Monday 24 September 2012

In the Beginning 

Hi everyone and welcome to my blog. My name is Mark Whittle and I am the owner of Scrooge Print. The company was originally formed back in 2008 when I felt that there was a need for someone to offer a print service that provided quality print along side a personal service, but didn’t cost the earth.

I had the concept and the business plan, what I needed next was a name and I knew that it had to be a name that people would remember. At the time all the news head-lines were centred around the words ‘Credit Crunch’, indeed many new start-up companies seized upon this and added their name to it or used it in their advertising campaigns, so much so that people were sick of hearing it.

I felt that I wanted to be a little different and so did a lot of research into different names. My research led me to the conclusion that everyone always remembers the best and worst of everything and that this also applies to everything.

Take a few minutes and think about it, I’m sure that you can advise people where they can get a great meal, watch a great film or listen to a great band; likewise I bet that you can also warn them about eating at a certain restaurant or steer them away from watching a boring film or save their ear-drums by not listening a dreadful band. It all fits into the best and worst of everything. Things in-between tend to get lost and blur into each other. Scrooge Print is not the best name in the world but could easily be the worst! One thing that I do know is that the name does not get lost in obscurity. 

In fact one of the main things that people do when they hear the name is laugh! This is great because they tend to remember it and word of mouth is by far the best form of advertising. When I started the company I can’t tell you the amount of people that tried to persuade me to change the name to something else, but I kept forgetting the names that they were suggesting, and if I it could happen to me, it could happen to others. I was determined to stick to the name of Scrooge Print!

So what does Scrooge Print offer you? Well you get excellent quality allied with good old-fashioned personal service. We always aim to please the customer. Many of our clients have been with us from the start and continue to place work with us secure in the knowledge that they are getting the best advice possible. We are honest, if we can’t do something or it’s not in your interest, we will tell you and then let you make the decision.

 In the coming months there are big changes planned for the company with more sales reps coming on-board and even a re-seller / franchise package being put together, so watch this space.

Bye for now

Mark Whittle

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